Players Must Play in the League Based on the Age He/She Will be on April 30, 2025.
Our 7/8 Structured Coach Pitch League is designed for players wanting to learn and develop baseball skills in a more structured and competitive environment comprised of ballplayers ages 6, 7 and 8 years old.
All returning players who were part of the 7/8 year old league last year will be placed back on the team they played for in SPRING 2024, unless the league is directed otherwise by the parents or guardians for that child to be placed back in the pool of open players to be placed on a team for 2025. In those instances, players must attend evaluations once again in 2025.
** All 6 year-olds wanting to play up in the 7/8 League, must go through a pre-draft assessment. They will be evaluated by a committee of East coaches and officials who will determine if they are prepared for the 7/8 League. Meaning, they can catch, they can throw, they can hit, and they can pay attention at the level necessary for the safety of themselves, as well as the other kids in the league. Those players who go through assessments are NOT guaranteed to be allowed to play up.